Ok well here I am again trying to get this Blogging thing down right. My sister has been telling me about it and that I should keep doing it. She does a real good job at it. I tried it once before but now I cant find my old blog. So phooey!! Of course it was a million years ago when I wrote it too! Ha! Well today is Saturday and its kinda cool and very cloudy outside. Hurricane Molly hit Galveston and South Padre Island yesterday so now its here . Well the rain part of it anyway. We are also in Monsoon season too, so we have had allot of rain already. So we are under a flash flood warning right now too!! How exciting! LOL I just love the wild weather! And the rolling thunderstorm's too!! I was born and raised here in New Mexico, USA, the good old desert southwest. Guess you could call me a desert rat!! Ha! I often think about moving to other places, like where my family is in northern Michigan. But I just don't know if I could handle the winters there, or if my body could take it. I struggle with many illnesses. I am also in the process of being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Which I am in denial of having. I am a christian, a child of God, and I know Jesus is the mighty doctor and healer of all!! I have Diabetes, high blood pressure, fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, diabetes neuropathy in my legs and feet, arthritis, deep white matter brain disease, migraine headaches, and probably a few other things I am forgetting. Ha! I just recently had to start taking insulin shots. I give myself four insulin shots a day in my stomach. OUCH!! I am over weight and most of my weight is in my tummy , and mt tummy is all bruised from giving myself these shots, so i look like someone used my belly for a punching bag lol !! It doesn't hurt or anything it just looks bad!! My family feels sorry for me, but I ask them not too. It doesn't do either of us any good. I have seven children, four still at home, three granddaughters, and one more granddaughter on the way , due in October 2008. I have been married for 9 years this coming August 1,2008. Wow how time flies!! I have been with my hubby since 1996 though. About 12 years I guess. We both got saved in 1999 and we both got baptized in water at the same time too. My disease in my brain affects my memory allot and I cant remember things, so right now I cant remember when we got baptized in water, I cant remember the date it happened, but I remember when it happened. I get so frustrated when I cant remember things! There is no pill or no cure for my disease in my brain , it just slowly keeps getting worse. Its hard for people to understand cause I don't look sick. They cant see or feel the pain I am in everyday. Nor do they understand the frustrations I go through. Like making decisions, or driving, or just getting dressed in the morning. Simple things that people do everyday, that people take for granted, I have trouble doing. I get depressed allot, and I get frustrated. But I do the best I can. I have a great church family that prays for me all the time. And has been there to help me also. I wish I was closer to my family in Michigan like I was saying before. But I just don't know. My hubby is a carpenter and he works outside. The snow and cold would really get to him. Although my sister says that there is only a couple months that its really bad there and that the other months if he dressed right he could get used to it and be okay. My hubby doesn't want to move there period. I want to be close to my family and my mom. She is there also,and she is getting older. We may not have a great relationship, but she is my mom and I Love her and I want to be close to her. I miss having family dinners, and family holidays, and etc.! Now that my sister and I are both Christians I would like to have a close relationship with her too. So I am going to keep praying about this and see where God leads me. Mu hubby hasn't been working since last May either. He had to have surgery on his left knee. He tore the meniscus in his knee. Since it was not a job injury he couldn't get workman's comp or anything. So we have had no income since May 2008 except for food stamps. There has been allot of stress here and depression and ware and tare on our marriage too. I am asking for prayers from everyone!! God says for us to lay out our burdens on him and to ask others for prayers. So please pray for me and my family!! And for of you that already do, thank you, and please continue to do so. Prayers are answers!! In my daily battles of just trying to remember to do things, daily things, and to get things done before my body starts hurting to much, I do my best to remember that this to shall pass. And that soon Jesus is coming for us all. The pain in my body that I have everyday has turned me in to someone I don't want to be. I don't like who I am anymore. And one of my biggest fears is ending up in a nursing home. I pray if it comes to that day, that Jesus comes first, or I die first. I don't like it that I cant be the wife and mom my family deserves to have. It makes me feel so inadequate! I feel bad for my kiddos. They deserve so much more from me, they deserve so much more period!! I sure do look at things differently nowdays. And I see people differently too. I understand that just because things arent as I SEE them to be dosent mean that they arent true. Does that make sense to you?? Its like faith, just because you cant see it dosent mean it isnt there. My pain in my body is real and just cause you cant see it dosent mean it isnt real, or that it dosent hurt. More people need to realize this!! Its so sad what this world and people have become, what they have taken for granted. And that they arent more careing for others. People are out for them selves these days. And they will have to answer to Jesus for that. He says not to be selfish. But to be careing and kind hearted. I am not perfect either in any way shape nor form!! And I have allot to learn too. But I sure have learned and have been humbled from the sickness and pain in my body! I really feel so sad and terrible for what my Jesus went through for us, for me! Thank you Jesus!!! He sure did suffer for you and for me! All the Glory goes to you Jesus!! We must live our lives to glorify Him in all we do! I am so thankfull Jesus gave me another chance to live for him, another breath of his breath, thankyou Jesus!! You know we all need to be more careful and more respectfull of other peoples feelings. Sometimes I feel like i am bothering my family when I talk to them or tell them my problems. I know they have busy lives and they probably get tired of hearing my same old problems over and over again too. I just want them to know I love them and I need them in my life. I would like ot be able to confide in them and tell them how I feel and get there advice too. And really I just want them to love me without judging me and to just be there for me, and I wnat to do the same for them. I am here for them any time. I wish they would come see me!! I would love to be able to go see them. I sure wish I could!! Its so hard being so far apart!! I am not trying to be mean either, I just want to be close to them again and for them to be close to me too. I really need my little sister in my life, and I like to share my lifes ups and downs with her. Is that a normal thing?? I dont know!? Well anyways, I need to take a break for a bit my legs are hurting me from sitting to long! Ha! I will come back in a while and do this some more! Its kinda fun I guess!